Entries in politicians (3)


michael bryant

A couple of weeks ago, former Ontario Attorney General, Michael Bryant, published his memoir, 28 Seconds.

If you look on the back flap, you'll see Bryant's author portrait, a detail of a larger portrait that I took of Bryant back in February.

This is that portrait.

It was a photo that I had taken on a whim during our photo shoot to fit along with a style of portraits that I've been working on for a few years. I didn't expect it to be the final choice but it worked out well.

michael bryant. toronto, ontario. february 2012.

I'm also including here an outtake - my personal favourite from our shoot - which is reminiscent of this old portrait of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

michael bryant. toronto, ontario. february 2012.


more from the ontario ndp convention

Here are two more photos from this weeken's Ontario NDP convention.

The Ontario NDP caucus in conversation.Ontario Federation of Labour president, Sid Ryan, speaks at the Ontario NDP convention on Sunday morning.


leading change

Andrea Horwath speaks to delegates at the Ontario NDP Convention in Hamilton, Ontario.


This weekend I'm in Hamilton photographing the Ontario NDP's convention. This shot is from NDP Leader Andrea Horwath's keynote speech to delegates earlier this afternoon.