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vegas bound again

Amanda and I are getting ready for our annual trip to Las Vegas.

Last summer we travelled out into the desert to have lunch at the Little A'le'Inn in Rachel, Nevada, and to see how close we could get to Area 51.

Here are some photos from that trip. The last one is a mystery.

1:16 pm. august 1, 2011. Highway 93, Nevada. August 2011.2:44 pm. august 1, 2011. Route 93, The Great Basin Highway, Nevada. August 2011.3:03 pm. august 1, 2011. The Extraterrestrial Highway, Hwy 375, near Crystal Springs, NV. August 2011.3:08 pm. august 1, 2011. Alien Research Center, Hiko, NV. August 2011.3:46 pm. august 1, 2011. Highway 375, Nevada. August 2011.4:35 pm. august 1, 2011. Little A'Le'Inn, Rachel, NV. August 2011.5:21 pm. august 1, 2011. The Little A'Le'Inn, Rachel, Nevada. August 2011.6:40 pm. august 1, 2011. Groom Lake Road, Nevada. August 2011.7:27 pm. august 1, 2011. Groom Lake Road, Nevada. August 2011.

This last photo was taken after we had driven just about as close to the entrance of Area 51 as one can get. We saw the signs (go any further and risk getting shot) and the men in the mystery SUVs. As we were driving away, along the unpaved Groom Lake Road to get back to the highway, I was taking photos of the mountains in the distance. I didn't notice anything unusual about any of the photos until I looked at them on the computer and noticed the strange blur in this photo. This was taken about 5 miles or so from the boundary of Area 51. It doesn't appear in any of the other photos, even those taken a second or two later. Any ideas what it could be?

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